I went to have Jujitsu class (the last one) with O. Then, chatted with Danny a bit on the project. Then went to library, then took O to the beach while I did some skating.
I guess I cannot upload pictures here. too bad. That’s OK. it saves spaces when migrating.
How about math formula? $a^2$ OK. good enough, cannot complain!
It is just editing stuff in barecode is a bit cold.
One can also have ‘todo list’ horray! :tada:
But I still miss dokuwiki
what the heck! I can copy from my iPad, and paste on here! Why do I still dokuwiki? OK, I feel so stupid now. wait, do I have control over that picture? What if I want to delete it?
Theme? who cares.
Branch? If this works, I won’t change it. What does branch even mean?
Shitty commit? oh well. the shameful deed is left in history forever. who invented this stupid idea of version control? To live is to forget.
Now, do I like github? compared with dokuwiki, it is well, very public, and very open. There are nothing to hide. No way to erase. It is free, you can always download. So, I am not sure if it is suitable for making blogs.
I don’t like to do things properly, I like to do it quickly. If the thing is worth doing, then I will do it properly.
OK, time to upload my other project. Let me take a deep breath. OK. upload.
By the way, thanks, chatgpt